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Eminent Domain Stuff

New London Update (2/24/06)
Coverage of the Rally at New London's City Hall (w/ pics)

Friday, May 14, 2004

Link Requests to Nick Berg

Requests for the link to the alternate video hosting site have been showing up in my inbox with increasing frequency over the past 24 hours. The sentiments expressed in these requests (and a few follow up reactions) give me hope. These people seem to have a genuine desire to face reality. I think that watching this horrifying video is the least we can do to honor Nick Berg personally and all others like him so that we truly Never Forget.

Feel free to try Wizbang's link, but if that is still swamped let me know and I'll send you to the alternate site.


Zeyad at Healing Iraq has posted on the Nick Berg video and that horrifying act's relationship to Islam. It's a definite must-read. Here's a sort exerpt:

So yes, Islam is the problem here. Poverty, economic conditions, abuse by so called colonialism, and political frustration are not. Similar conditions elsewhere in the world have not prompted non-Muslims to commit suicide bombings or fly planes into towers. Islam, along with favourable cultural, tribal, and social values existing in the Arab world has prompted that drive. Islam and the Quran alone are not the root cause.

Go see what he has to say.

Update 2:

One Hand Clapping has also provided a bit of evidence that Islam is not the religion of peace that many would have us believe.


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