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Eminent Domain Stuff

New London Update (2/24/06)
Coverage of the Rally at New London's City Hall (w/ pics)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


War, 2000 Deaths and Prespective

Today we lost our 2000th warrior in the Iraq War. For all those who serve our county loved ones they left behind, whether for a year or forever, I will forever grateful.

Although the media would like you to forget it due to its overwhleming success, let us also take a moment to remember the fallen as well as those who have and contine to serve in Afghanastan.


I think that remaining true to the purpose of this war and seeing that the job gets done is the only fitting tribute to our fallen warriors. So, I am more than just a little incensed by the article Drudge linked. It presents us with an Orwellian historical prespective:

The grim milestone was reached at a time of growing disenchantment over the war among the American public toward a conflict that was launched to punish Iraqi President Saddam Hussein for his alleged weapons of mass destruction. None were ever found.
Really? Is that why we invaded Iraq? To "punish [I might add 'former'] Iraqi President Saddam Hussein for his alleged weapons of mass destruction"?

Maybe I'm confused, but I seem to remember a little thing called the "Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq" (and remember, it's called "Joint" because it passed both Houses of Congress). Take a gander at the document. You'll notice that while WMDs play a central role, there are plenty of other reasons given for going to war. Had the AP article simply added the phrase among other peace treaty violations they would have been accurate. As it is, they focus on the one thing we (probably) got wrong and ignore other things.

I will, however, give them credit for quoting Lt. Col. Steve Boylan, spokesman for the American-led multinational force (even if they just couldn't bring themselves to actually write anything positive about the US's efforts in Iraq):

"I ask that when you report on the events, take a moment to think about the effects on the families and those serving in Iraq," Boylan said in an e-mail. "The 2,000 service members killed in Iraq supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom is not a milestone. It is an artificial mark on the wall set by individuals or groups with specific agendas and ulterior motives."
"Celebrate the daily milestones, the accomplishments they have secured and look to the future of a free and democratic Iraq and to the day that all of our troops return home to the heroes welcome they deserve," Boylan wrote.

And, to close, prespective.

Horrible, but true. Each and every death is a tragedy, but so is every day that a tyrant brutalizes people, whether they be his own countrymen or not.

Even in the face of causalities, remember that these brave young men and women have volunteered to go to far flung corners of the world to take the battle to the enemy so that we might not face him here at home. Be ever mindful of their sacrifices and enjoy the sweet taste of freedom bought at such a terrible price generation after generation.

Honor our warriors.


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